Thursday, April 14, 2011
Friday, April 8, 2011
Shorting the FXE here today. I have been short since about $142.50 but i am adding to the short today.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
It is so hard for me not to short this stock. I am so freaking bearish on NFLX it drives me crazy.
I am not short NFLX but i wouldn't be long either.
I am not short NFLX but i wouldn't be long either.
50% CASH
I have raised a lot of cash with selling DF, Mpel, and some skf puts.
Gonna wait a little and see what shakes outs. Right now all the accounts are about 50% cash.
Gonna wait a little and see what shakes outs. Right now all the accounts are about 50% cash.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Bullish on the banks
I don't think any good news will come out of the banking sector. That makes me bullish. Any bounce in the SKF or FAZ should be shorted.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Selling 25% of the VXX puts. I am looking to hold the rest of the puts through expiration because i want VXX put to me. I havn't been able to borrow any shares.
SKF, selling 25% of them here also. Same plan as above want to have the SKF put to me so i can hold it short
SKF, selling 25% of them here also. Same plan as above want to have the SKF put to me so i can hold it short
Friday, March 18, 2011
Thursday, March 17, 2011
This thing is doomed longer term. I cannot find a gamble where the odds are in your favor long term ,but possibly against you short term.
The SKF will be below $50 by may 1st.
The SKF will be below $50 by may 1st.
China and Japan
Japan imports a lot of stuff from China. To now think, that Japan will import less after a major event like this is backward thinking.
If everything I owned was taken away from me wouldn't I start replacing these things. I think this is extremely bullish for China.
If everything I owned was taken away from me wouldn't I start replacing these things. I think this is extremely bullish for China.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Monday, February 28, 2011
I think the US is gonna become energy dependent. It may be a total farce but i believe we will be extremely creative.
Raising Some Cash
I am gonna exit my amgn call today for a small gain. Also i am starting a hedgin strategy with the June 30th $60 QQQ puts.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Oil prices
Oil prices in general are a precursor for volatility not a recssion. We are going to test long term support according to k wave theory. This should happen earlier than last year around june 2011.
We are not in a reccesion quite yet, The united states is completetly fine $100-$110dollar oil. If we close below $100 on monday it would be quite bullish.
We are not in a reccesion quite yet, The united states is completetly fine $100-$110dollar oil. If we close below $100 on monday it would be quite bullish.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Healthy Put Buying
There was some serious put buying yesterday. If we have another day of this type of put buying it would confirm a short term bottom.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Just reported earnings and although they met all expectations the big kicker is that they grew revenues 93.3% in 2010 compared to 2009. They are attributing this to the opening of City of Dreams project. Which was only open for 6 months out of the year.
Now for 2011 it will be open for the entire year. This should easily put a .07-.08 earnings per a share price tag for MPEL going forward.
This should raise the price target to $10-$12 for 2011.
Now for 2011 it will be open for the entire year. This should easily put a .07-.08 earnings per a share price tag for MPEL going forward.
This should raise the price target to $10-$12 for 2011.
I was expecting to wake up and see the TLT trading at $92-$93 area. This isn't the case. I am now of the belief that no matter how bad the worlds economy gets the general public does not want goverment debt.
This could be a short opportunity to buy the TLT. I am looking very close at this trade again. There is now way i could be short the TLT here which makes me think to go long.
This could be a short opportunity to buy the TLT. I am looking very close at this trade again. There is now way i could be short the TLT here which makes me think to go long.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Over 50% increase in sales
This company is in a stealth bull market
This company is in a stealth bull market
Social Mood
Trying to quantify the social mood all i can say is this. Everyone is expecting a correction includeing myself. There are a lot of people dying to get back into the market. So if we test support it should be bought.
Trying to quantify the social mood all i can say is this. Everyone is expecting a correction includeing myself. There are a lot of people dying to get back into the market. So if we test support it should be bought.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Current Market
I believe the psychology of the market is: We are gonna have a correction and when that comes i am all in. Every one wants in no matter the costs. That being said i believe it is a stock pickers market.
My largest holding in order are as follows
SKF january 2012 $15 puts
When looking over these investments (I know the Puts are crazy idea but i believe 2011 is the year of the banks) i don't feel like the valuations are that far stretched.
Look at a Weekly chart of Dean Foods. At $10 bucks this thing is a steal. If food prices come down which they will this companies margins will go ricter and they have some serious pricing power.
Melcro Crown, this is a pure Macau play on the casinos. I currently believe that this one is on the verge of an upside breakout. China is starting a secular bull market very similiar to the united states in the late 70's. The chinese are in love with macau and so am i. Google map the city it is really cool place and will be an international destination for years to come. Melcro made money lasy quarter and report on wednesday. I belive they are going to blow out the numbers. I am buyer if they show any weaknes.
The banks are sitting in a sweet spot. They are flush with cash and able to borrow next to nothing and lend out at a higher interest rate. This isn't changing any time soon. The big money has been purchasing some large amounts of the C $5 september calls.
Currently have about 25% cash for this correction that the market needs. I read somewhere if it is a flash crash it would be in the bulls favor.
My largest holding in order are as follows
SKF january 2012 $15 puts
When looking over these investments (I know the Puts are crazy idea but i believe 2011 is the year of the banks) i don't feel like the valuations are that far stretched.
Look at a Weekly chart of Dean Foods. At $10 bucks this thing is a steal. If food prices come down which they will this companies margins will go ricter and they have some serious pricing power.
Melcro Crown, this is a pure Macau play on the casinos. I currently believe that this one is on the verge of an upside breakout. China is starting a secular bull market very similiar to the united states in the late 70's. The chinese are in love with macau and so am i. Google map the city it is really cool place and will be an international destination for years to come. Melcro made money lasy quarter and report on wednesday. I belive they are going to blow out the numbers. I am buyer if they show any weaknes.
The banks are sitting in a sweet spot. They are flush with cash and able to borrow next to nothing and lend out at a higher interest rate. This isn't changing any time soon. The big money has been purchasing some large amounts of the C $5 september calls.
Currently have about 25% cash for this correction that the market needs. I read somewhere if it is a flash crash it would be in the bulls favor.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Gap Down
We have been gapping down every morning lately. I am trying a trade with spy puts before the close and spy calls at 10am. It has worked two days in a row. Lets see about tommorrow.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Fund Flows
Funds are flowing out of bonds and into everything except bonds and bonds.
A nice mini scare would be nice to open a short on the TLT
A nice mini scare would be nice to open a short on the TLT
Friday, February 11, 2011
Friday, February 4, 2011
This thing is in a world of its own. I give up number two. I will stay way from Netflix the stock and simply use the service.
David Tepper
I have been following Tepper's fund. Some of his largest holdings are Dean Foods Df and Goodrich Tire. In a round about away I believe that he thinks we are headed for stagflation. This may seem contrary ,but these companies have been deeply discounted due to high input costs. Wheat, Cotton, and Rubber setting in some cases all time highs. These companies have had to raise prices to meet this challenge. If they get any type of lower input cost this could greatly increase profits.
Very rarely do you see the price of something going down. Once that box of cereal is $4.00 bucks rarely do the reduce the price even if input costs decrease.
Very rarely do you see the price of something going down. Once that box of cereal is $4.00 bucks rarely do the reduce the price even if input costs decrease.
Melcro Crown reports after the bell. I sold calls against the position in january and had them expire worthless. This is my largest holding in the portfolio. Currently, I am looking to sell the position and replace that with the january $5.00 2013 calls. This will help me leverage the position and reduce risk.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Beating a Dead Horse
I hate to keep remarking on the same thing over and over again. In addition, i have done extensive research into the online TV viewing experience. Netflix is in big trouble. Not because the service is bad or inferior. The reason is competition. There are a lot of players coming into the market.
I have reopened a short line on NFLX with the March $210 puts. I currently got in around $12.00.
Time Warner came out publicly saying Netflix is paying enough for the shows. This will eat into margins,
I have reopened a short line on NFLX with the March $210 puts. I currently got in around $12.00.
Time Warner came out publicly saying Netflix is paying enough for the shows. This will eat into margins,
Friday, January 28, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Betting the Farm
Ok i have bet the farm on the March $210 puts on netflix. This will either make or break Nicasurfer.
We have AMZN reporting tonight an i expect some ideas on how they are going to be getting into the subscription business with the Love Film aquisition.
In addition we also have window dressing ending today which could some serious negative effects on this stock.
We have AMZN reporting tonight an i expect some ideas on how they are going to be getting into the subscription business with the Love Film aquisition.
In addition we also have window dressing ending today which could some serious negative effects on this stock.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
New Exciting Stock
Well not really. PSUN is a growing retailer that has started to add international exposure. The insiders are buying it and they have been consistently beating earnings.
The chart looks good on the weekly, they currently distrubute Hurley, Volcom, Billabong, and basically everything surfing related.
The most fun thing is they have been beating and growing earnings.
The chart looks good on the weekly, they currently distrubute Hurley, Volcom, Billabong, and basically everything surfing related.
The most fun thing is they have been beating and growing earnings.
Friday, January 21, 2011
FXE or the Euro
Picking up some VXX puts here for a day trade the Feb $32 puts for $2.45.
This thing is so much fun to trade because it always goes down.
This thing is so much fun to trade because it always goes down.
Spike Low CCI
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Boy has this been painful. The price action in after hours is about as bearish as it gets. Really looking forward to seeing this guy tommorrow.
Clearing my SLV and BIDU short
I am looking to add a VXX put position into the portfolio
I am looking to add a VXX put position into the portfolio
Amzn buying Lovefilm
Streaming is starting to get some competition. If anything with Amazon buying Lovefilm they now have the corner on the European market. Now all they have to do is bring it over to the United States. Which won't cost very much money at all.
Good Luck Netflix shareholders.
Good Luck Netflix shareholders.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Buy the Dip
I am seriously wondering how much longer this can go on. There is far more risk on the long side than on the short side. We made new nominal highs today.
Shares Available
Looks like there are some shares available to short for NFLX. The stock hit my target of $190 and I will look to add to my short position today.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
I have been getting very little sleep do to a nagging cough. I have been extremely worried about the markets. A correction is needed! This type of straight up action isn't healthy.
Monday, January 10, 2011

A. We had a new spike high on the CCI, which looks like an exhaustive style spike. We did make a nominal new high.
B. A new spike low towards 181 on the CCI tends to mark a new trend for the short term a low target of $118 should be expected.
C. Gap support around $126
I am looking to short the SPY today on early morning strength.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Intra Day Chart

There are major outside factors affecting this company. I have stated them numerous times in my blog post. The current multiples are not sustainable and studios wanting higher fees and increased competition are serious factors. The only variable before had been buyout speculation. This point has been taken into account and I believe at these valuations it is not possible. Google, AAPL, AMZN, MSFT, and others don't want the distribution they want the content rights. With all of these contracts coming up for renewal and NFLX faces higher costs and increased competition.
As said in other post I am short NFLX even though I think it could reach $190.
Second Time Frame Daily

We had a spike on the CCI, which almost always leads to a new high. In this case we did have a new high which was on 12/1/2010. We have now moved downwards with a nice bullish divergence on the MACD histogram. My theory is that a new price high would a be perfect short entry. I believe the short term, 1-2 weeks could be up for NFLX. Thats what the charts are telling us.
Currently I am short from $181.00 looking to short more.
3 Phases of Bull Market

I currently believe that NFLX is in the final stages of a bull market. I am looking at three time frames.
First is the weekly:
I have outlined a couple of key points for this on the chart, the most important aspect of the graph is that we have 3 distinct phases of this bull.
Something to consider in the final stage of a bull market:
"During this phase, a lot of attention should be placed on signs of weakness in the trend, such as strengthening downward moves. Also, if the upward moves start to show weakness, it could be another sign that the trend may be near the start of a primary downtrend."
Friday, January 7, 2011
Thursday, January 6, 2011
How many dollars can they print?
Well it seems that the US may default on their debt. We all know this will not happen. One thing for certain is that they will raise the debt limit and put in place some lie austerity program.
All in all more dollars will printed and prices are going to go up. Maybe they will argue a little and let everyone get real scared. Drive the VIX up to 40 so i can short VXX with $100k in puts. Wouldn't that be nice!
All in all more dollars will printed and prices are going to go up. Maybe they will argue a little and let everyone get real scared. Drive the VIX up to 40 so i can short VXX with $100k in puts. Wouldn't that be nice!
This stock has hit my $105 dollar price target today. I may open a short position on the stock today
Netflix again
There are to many headwinds for this stock for me not to short it. I see the major hurdle on two fronts.
1. The dollar amount that Netflix paid for content is coming up for renewal. They are going to have increases or have to buy Starz. This comes in at estimates around $75-$85 billion. This is half the enterprise value of the entire Netflix empire. So imagine the stock cut in half.
2. Competition: The barriers to entry for this product are not very high and some big names are looking to benefit. It isn't the distribution that the big names want it is the content. I don't see Netflix as a take over target anymore for this very reason.
The stock is priced for perfection. They currently have a mini monopoly which will not last. I think Apple and Google are to smart to buy this company. So I am short Netflix.
There are to many headwinds for this stock for me not to short it. I see the major hurdle on two fronts.
1. The dollar amount that Netflix paid for content is coming up for renewal. They are going to have increases or have to buy Starz. This comes in at estimates around $75-$85 billion. This is half the enterprise value of the entire Netflix empire. So imagine the stock cut in half.
2. Competition: The barriers to entry for this product are not very high and some big names are looking to benefit. It isn't the distribution that the big names want it is the content. I don't see Netflix as a take over target anymore for this very reason.
The stock is priced for perfection. They currently have a mini monopoly which will not last. I think Apple and Google are to smart to buy this company. So I am short Netflix.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Ticker : GOOG
Name : Google Inc
Filer : Doerr L John
Title : Director
Document Type : 4
Date : 2011-01-03
Action : Sold
Transaction Shares : 27,640
Current Market Value : $16,669,062
I have stated this for a long time Google is the most sold stock by insiders. That is where my short thesis is stemming from. This and that the margins will be hurt by competition.
Name : Google Inc
Filer : Doerr L John
Title : Director
Document Type : 4
Date : 2011-01-03
Action : Sold
Transaction Shares : 27,640
Current Market Value : $16,669,062
I have stated this for a long time Google is the most sold stock by insiders. That is where my short thesis is stemming from. This and that the margins will be hurt by competition.
I think the downside risk is far greater than the upside risk. I am staying short currently. Really didn't understand everything that happened with GOOG today i am researching it.
Yoku has announced they are streaming video with Time Warner. I am gonna short NFLX today at the open.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
S.Korea Lee Calls for Effort to Contain Inflation
We have an inflationary problem in South Korea combined with a domestic problem to the North. I cannot help ,but short this market with puts on the EWY.
This is an article posted on today
This is an article posted on today
Some Technical Data for 1/03/2010
It feels like a big lie. I can't help but think that way i must have read it somewhere. Anyways here we go.
Yesterday we had 373 new highs and 2 new lows bringing the ratio to .0054, this is the lowest i have seen in a long time and is extremely rare. I believe that a yearly high or at least a 6 month high was made yesterday.
Richard Russell's PTI indicator was 52, another very rare feat. I use this indicator as an overbought over sold indicator. This print is in the RED overbought range. Meaning extreme caution.
Call buying was insane. Posting huge volumes with an equity only putt call ratio of .43, another rare number.
All in all yesterday was RARE and shorting strength is a good strategy from here on out.
Yesterday we had 373 new highs and 2 new lows bringing the ratio to .0054, this is the lowest i have seen in a long time and is extremely rare. I believe that a yearly high or at least a 6 month high was made yesterday.
Richard Russell's PTI indicator was 52, another very rare feat. I use this indicator as an overbought over sold indicator. This print is in the RED overbought range. Meaning extreme caution.
Call buying was insane. Posting huge volumes with an equity only putt call ratio of .43, another rare number.
All in all yesterday was RARE and shorting strength is a good strategy from here on out.
Monday, January 3, 2011
I took it a little on the chin today and if EWY doesn't work out in the next two days will exit the puts. I believe that Gold and Silver may be good short candidate for the next 6 months. The action in both of them was quite bearish today.
I also noticed how NFLX was not able to close above $180 and BIDU not above $100.
I also noticed how NFLX was not able to close above $180 and BIDU not above $100.
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