Wednesday, June 10, 2009

the police

Went and had lunch with the captain of the police department yesterday. They are giving me a really hard time about obtaining a business license here in Nicaragua. They want bribes of course which is fine with me. They make $250 dollars a month. At one point the officer asked me what i would do if they didn't give me a license and i broke out into laughter. I really don't why either. I responded that i would shut the place down and keep working on trading. He then went to ask me about trading. I went into detail the money that can be made and how i would be willing to teach him.

To end the conversation quickly he is going to give me the business license and i am gonna teach him how to trade.

Watching the DOW here. We need to hold 8600 or we go to 8200. Also we need the S&P500 to break 850 with volume. Going big on July 41 puts. Think that the banks are done going down and skf is a goner.

Mom if you are reading this i love you and will be home soon. Have made a tons of money here lately and love surfing and fishing after trading