Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Man o Man what a day. Ok the banks took a beating today. Made an abolute killing today shorting GS, HBC and going long SKF and SRS. I actually thought we were going to ounce today. How freakin low can C go. BAC under 5 insane. One thing i am looking at which i think will make a lot of money is TBT. This is an ultra short for the Bonds. Bonds are at the highest i have ever seen. Look at TLT. it keeps going higher.

I am going to start buying call options on TBT. Gonna buy the March $35 strike calls. Don't go crazy with this advice because it could cause some pain. TBT could get to $60 before year end.

Would also start looking at utilities and infrastrure stocks. I am buying an unknown company called BWEN. This is a high risk reward play. It trades at low volume and the rumor is that it is about to added to the naz.

Good luck

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